So what’s your mindset?

So what’s your mindset?

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I was out for a trail run yesterday morning to enjoy the fresh coat of snow. And boy did I ever!

That’s one of the best feelings in the world when you feel the snow crunch below your feet when you’re out in nature. The temperature was also perfect for an early winter escapade.

It’s funny how much the mental aspect of an outing will effect its outcomes. I’ve been focusing on health and movement in the past week after some lackadaisical effort for my birthday.

It’s not like I lost much weight during the week or changed dramatically. Just a slight different focus and a different mindset. Instead of being a tad lazy as the default, I’ve decided to get out everyday even if it’s just for a 20 minute walk. Gotta love challenges as it’s made a big difference in the motivation department.

I’m also signed up for a race for the spring. A fairly big one actually, stay tuned for all the details in the coming weeks.

Just a nudge here and there can have a big difference in the end. Surrounding yourself with great resources to feed the mind and the body can make a huge change as well. So now I’m motivated to head out for another run today and even a quick workout as well. Partly because I put them in my schedule and partly to get he blood flowing to feed the brain.

I’m not “training” per say but trying to be active on a daily basis to keep the mood positive and the hamster mind working on productive things.

Also stay tuned as I’m working on a podcast interview with a mindset coach to uncover some more secrets in this department!

Look at the photo above I took after my trail run through the Greenebelt trails near my place. Majestic if you ask me!

And one of my friends said it looked awful out there. I guess it is truly about perspective, or mindset!

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