My #31in31 Recap: Somewhat of a success…
Posted In: Running February 3rd, 2019 divider No Comments »So I just finished another #31in31 challenge. This one was truly a challenge!
The weather wasn’t overly kind and my schedule did me no favours (excuses, I know). I did have some fun runs here on some trails and on some hills in Halifax. But not enough. I counted about 15 runs in total. Not bad considering I probably did 5 in December but not the usual amount either.
I did a lot of physical activity in January though. Most days included 2 workouts with something like yoga in the morning and weights in the evening. Or a run. Or playing hockey. I actually had a few nights with 2 hockey games so those made sure I didn’t have the time or juice to get out for a run after.
And now that I have a new pooch (and we have tons of snow!), most likely less runs and more snowshoe sessions for February. Not a bad way to spend a winter month in my humble opinion…
So all in all, I’m happy with the month. Obviously not the clear cut 31 but a lot of calories expanded this month. And a great way overall to kick off 2019.
It seems I’ll be doing at least 2 races this year with plans for a local-ish adventure race in the spring and the Bloodroot Ultra again in Vermonth.
The thing I’m happiest about is that some folks jumped on and killed it. I had some messages from folks doing more than 30 runs in the month. Kudos to all!