Thankful to be able to share my views…
Posted In: ChiRunning | Fitness | Me | Running January 25th, 2012 divider 1 Comment »I’m very thankful for every public speaking engagement I do. I’ve been blessed as I’ve only been doing these gigs for the past few years and they are already multiplying.
I love to be able to share my views and some knowledge with folks. It’s rewarding and makes me feel very much alive. A lot of the time though, I have to pinch myself or really ask myself why people would come to hear me talk.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m confident in what I speak about. It’s just I find it still weird that people will make time and/or pay to hear what I have to say. It actually feels really nice!
Like a lot of things in my life, I’m self-taught when it comes to public speaking. I’ve seen a lot of great speakers and some really bad ones so I had an idea of what works and what doesn’t. And I’ve also learned to be myself as people can see right through you if you’re not sincere, even if it’s just 20 minutes.
And like other aspects of my life, I’m trying to get better. So if you’ve seen me speak recently and you have some feedback, I would love to hear it. Good or bad, I promise not to bite. And just as advance notice, I don’t know if I can do anything about speaking with my hands, I’m a Francophone!
Halifax and Bridgewater folks: I’m coming back to an indoor place near you! My next round of ChiRunning workshops in Atlantic Canada will take place in mid-February.
I will be in the Bridgewater/Lunenburg area on Saturday, February 11 and at Stadplex Track, situated at Formation Halifax on Sunday, February 12. For all the details on either session, simply drop me a line at [email protected]
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