New York, New York!

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In the style of one of my favourite writers (SI’s Peter King), here are 5 Things I Think I Think, based on my recent séjour in the Big Apple:

1) People jaywalk like it’s their job: I know it’s busy and full of pedestrians but for folks that are not native, it’s almost chaos at every intersection downtown. I saw a few folks almost get taken out by moving vehicles. To be honest, it was pretty entertaining…

2) Diversity is king: If you like tall women, it’s there. If you like well dressed men, it’s there. I know it’s the law of numbers at work but it felt like there really isn’t a “normal” in NYC. It was funny, I felt like a hobo one minute and like Barney Stinson all suited up the next. One of my favourite traits of New York for sure.

3) Coffee snobs: There are different classes of coffee snobs in New York. It’s not just the usual Tim Horton’s (they actually have Timmy’s there) vs the other guys. In NYC, it seems there are many classes of coffee shops topped by my favourite, Dean & Deluca. New Yorkers take their coffee seriously, these are my kind of people!

4) Are you talking to me?: This happened more times than I care to admit, but I did a double-take when folks spoke up. I thought they were talking to me. It turns out they were speaking into their hands-free devices. While trying to maneuver traffic. And eat. And smoke. Talented folks.

5) Central Park is a God-send: I got to spend a few hours in Central Park, exploring while jogging around the park. For those runners (or not) who have never been, it’s a must-do. There is so much within the park, especially if you have kids or like outdoor activities. And it’s all free! I could have stayed there all day, both days. Stupid work gets in the way!

Another great trip in the books. We had some great feedback to our presentation and made some good connections. Even if this was my fourth time in NYC, I find New York is incredible for out-of-towners as there is so much to do and the energy is wicked. Especially if you stay in Times Square.

With so much going on, there is a chance of chaos but somehow it all works. Beautifully.


Here is a great video I came across on the Solefit site. It’s just over 10 minutes but a great look at the use of feet and fit of shoes in society:


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