Looking back…

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It`s funny, I`ve been hanging out with some friends from university who remember me as a 300lbs football player. They always ask me how I became a runner. I tell them it was something that didn`t really happen overnight and it wasn`t easy.

I remember one of my first races (a local 5k race, almost 10 years ago now) where I was getting passed by older women like it running out of style. Same thing on my first sprint triathlon, I actually walked a good chunk of the first few kilometres.

I also remember my first marathon, a nighttime affair in Wakefield, MA (just outside of Boston). It was warm and humid and I walked a bit at every water station but my training carried me. It definitely wasn`t my form!

Now I haven`t really raced in a few years but I`m looking forward to it. I just run for the sake of it, even pacing a few clients and friends at some half marathons last summer just for fun! A lot of people think that’s nuts but I can truly say now that I love running.

What made me look back at my running career? I was chatting with a local physio on the first night I was here on the lovely patio at the Yellowknife Racquet Club (I might have had a beer or two). She was saying that I don’t look like a runner. She clarified and said that I don’t look like an elite runner. I’m good with that.

I remember when I first started and thinking that my build would hold me back in coaching. As I found out that it’s actually the opposite. Most people like that I look normal, I guess they don’t find it intimidating. I’m happy either way!

Okay, gotta run (literally)!

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