Guest blog post: What is podiatry care? by Dre Annie Jean
Posted In: Running July 25th, 2013 divider No Comments »I first met Dre Annie Jean a few years ago and was even treated to a tour of her world-class facility on the other side of the river recently. We also had some good chats as she’s also a big fan of the ChiRunning technique
Not only is she a great athlete and runner in her own right but she also knows world class runners, as you see her pictured with one of the fastest man on the earth, Boston record holder Geoffrey Mutai.
Below she’s explaining podiatry and why runners should care:
“In our clinics, we treat foot disorders such as ingrown toenails, corn and calluses, onychomycosis, plantar’s warts, and do diabetic foot care and prevention. We also have a strong focus on biomechanical assesments with the use of postural examinations to diagnose any misalignment that can cause foot, knee, hip or back pain. Some of the more common foot disorder we see and treat at the clinic are plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, chronic ankle instabilities, flat feet, bunions and stress fractures. We use Cryos technology custom podiatric orthotics for the treatment and prevention of certain types of foot issues. Podiatrists can also administer injectables such as cortisone, prescribe certain medications, use radiology and do bone and soft tissue surgeries.
And what if we blend podiatry with running…
At the Clinique Podiatrique de l’Outaouais in Hull, we are now using a running gait analysis system to better analyze the runner’s gait through dynamics and therefore understand and have a specific focus on issues that can be visualize through movement. The patients are analyzed using a two camera setting, to visualize running patterns to further guide them towards more efficient running form. Running shoe analysis and recommendations are also done.
Podiatrists (DPM’s, Doctors of Podiatric Medicine) are the health professionals treating disorders of the foot and ankle. Becoming a podiatrist involves completing a four year Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine program, based at the Université du Québec de Trois-Rivières since 2004. It is the first and only program offered in Canada.”
-Dre. Annie Jean is a podiatrist and an athlete who treats patients from both sides of the river. For more information, check out her bio.