#FridayFindings Saturday Edition! New stuff from the world of nutrition and running…
Posted In: Uncategorized December 10th, 2016 divider No Comments »Another crazy week but it’s been productive. Stay tuned for some amazing episodes of the #WellnessWednesdays podcast!
See above for a trailer/interview for a cool documentary called The Big Fat Fix. Pretty insightful stuff.
And stay tuned for a review in the coming days!
Hey runners, ever heard of the #WorldLitter Run? I did it in the spring and I will do it again this weekend. And it’s a worldwide thing now!
Just get out and pick up some trash on your run this weekend. Then post a pic. So easy and so good for you and the environment! All the details here.
And some more light reading for the weekend about the backroom antics of the nutrition world.
Here’s a cool (and not so cool) look at how the sugar industry blamed fat in the 60’s and made us fat in the process. From a decent news source called the New York Times…