#150in150 Update: I love running!
Posted In: Running November 19th, 2013 divider No Comments »As I continue my #150in150 challenge, I’m taking a quick look back the 20+ runs I’ve already had this month.
First of all, this challenge has been a Godsend, perfect timing to get me back on the saddle. Especially after some people close to me have asked if I was letting myself go. Nice family and friends, eh?
It’s almost been too easy. I’m really enjoying running these days and knowing I have to report to you folks gives me more than what I need in terms of motivation to get out the door everyday. After the weekend, I was up 2 runs on the month with 20 runs in 18 days.
The weather has been incredible, with many double digit days in mid-November. I will need to remember these words in February when it’s -40 with the windchill. The good thing is I’ll be such an addict by then, I should be fine.
Speaking of addiction, it’s getting to that point. Not only the runner’s high aspect but also the clarity and perspective running and (physical activity in general) brings.
Since I’m reading a great book (Spark by Dr. John Ratey – stay tuned for the book review), the runs are a great opportunity to think through things and feel some of the principles laid out in the book in real life. I come home refreshed and full of good ideas.
The runs coupled with a steady routine of yoga, swimming and hockey and a slight improvement in my eating habits and I’m well on my way to reaching my goals.
And for some odd reason, it’s a nice counteract to the rest of my hectic life and just what I need to escape. Funny how life takes care of stuff the bulk of the times…