What you could learn about yourself being on a diet!
Posted In: Weight loss August 8th, 2015 divider No Comments »So I have a big race coming up next month, a multi-day kind of thing. It should be fun but it will be much more funner if I’m a tad lighter. So I’m trying to drop some weight using the Slow Carb Diet pioneered by guru Timothy Ferriss. I’ve done it before and I find it’s a healthy way to change things up even if it’s not always easy.
First of all, before you start sending me hate mail rest assured my point here is not to get you to go on a diet. I actually don’t believe them for the long term but sometimes you just need a jump start.
Regardless of your stance here are a few benefits I found recently of being on a diet:
- You acknowledge status quo is not good enough anymore: This is a big one. We’re human, most of the time we want to leave it to tomorrow to start something healthier. Sometimes you realize you need to start today. Not easy but it’s key for the success, aka your why.
- You’re working on your issue: Whenever you’re working towards a goal, it seems you instantly feel relief since you’re making your way there. Use those endorphins to your advantage!
- If it was easy, everyone would be doing it: The easy way is not always the right way, especially in the long term. Should you head to Subway/McDonald’s/Tim Horton’s or eat those boring leftovers?
- Plan ahead: If you’re trying to eat healthy, it will most likely mean prep time. Make it a priority and it will pay dividends for the rest of the week.
- Perspective: I know it might be hard to imagine dropping (insert big amount here). How do you eat an elephant? One bit at a time. And remember you didn’t gain this weight overnight!
- Getting out of your routine: I think this is very important every once in while to make sure you get stuck in a rut. Also you’re never too old to pick up some healthier habits
Anyway, it seems every time I look at my nutrition I can find out more. Not always a bad thing…
So I’m heading to the Laurentians shortly for a family outing. The entire fam is doing one of the Ultranza Ste-Adele races. Should be fun and stay tuned for a race report!