Sharing energizes me…

Sharing energizes me…

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I taught my first workshop for Intersol in Ottawa yesterday. It’s no New York but it will do!

Great venue, fun material (online engagement) and really cool folks. As you probably know, I can talk about subject I like for hours and/or days. I restrained myself as much as I could.

We chatted about the new online reality, engagement principles, dominant platforms, crowdsourcing and then how to use all of this to your advantage.

I don’t know what it is about teaching/sharing/leading, it simply energizes me. It took a lot of prep work to make sure I was ready with my materials and all but once I got going, it just flew. It was a pretty full day but I left the office full of energy and with a smile on my face.

It’s the same when I teach ChiRunning workshops. I start the session and next thing you know, it’s over.  I love passing on some knowledge. I’ve changed my style over the years and I also teach less material (but better I hope) now. I look at it as more quality and less quantity.

Good thing I’m doing more and more of this stuff. I love helping people become more efficient and/or knowledgeable in their field. It’s weird, I don’t think of myself of an “expert” but it seems I know a few things about social media and the online world…

Now I’m really looking forward to the next sessions and to the evaluations. The proof is in the pudding!

Do you have sloppy feet? It’s not what you think!

Check out a great look in the Globe and Mail at why Jamaicans are dominating in some running events. And then take those big bulky shoes off and go strengthen those feet!

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