Onto my new adventure: My @SchoolBOXhelps school build

Onto my new adventure: My @SchoolBOXhelps school build

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As some of you may know, I’ve been involved with SchoolBOX for a few years now. I’m even on their Board of Advisors now. I’m a big deal, I know!

I even got suckered by new business partner Kimothy Walker to start the CTV Amazing People Gala in support of SchoolBOX over three years ago. I’m proud to say that the team has raised closed to $150,000 and I’m going to help to build one of these schools. It’s an honour and a privilege and it even provides good photo ops like the one above!

I’m also proud to say we will be sending six local youths as well as scholarship recipients. I’ve seen the applications and I can tell you these future leaders are worthy recipients and will bring back some great skills and memories to their communities around Ottawa.

The founder Tom Affleck told me I wouldn’t get what SchoolBOX is all about until I went down to Nicaragua and built a school for myself. So I’m looking forward to getting the full picture after almost four years of involvement.

When it comes to actually building, my fitness will come in handy as there are no machines down there. We will be using our muscle power. That’s actually one of the things I’m looking forward to the most as it will be very different than my usual 9-to-5…

The physical labour and the heat should be provide some good workouts for the week even if I won’t be able to play hockey or run even. My new @myBasis fitness monitor will catch it all!

I’m also looking forward to playing soccer with the kids and brushing up on my terrible Spanish. It will also be  fun to see my Mom try to lift heavy stuff but it’s all part of the fun. To be honest, I’m looking forward to it all, warts and all. Isn’t that what experiences are all about?

I’m not sure how much internet access I will have down there but I promise to chronicle the experience as best as I can.

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