Is happiness really about yelling bingo?

Is happiness really about yelling bingo?

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I beg to differ…

I’m not a huge fan of bingo and/or gambling so that doesn’t help. I do get my jollies in other ways though. I love feeling the rush after a good workout or a big business meeting. I got lucky since I did both last week.

I went for a few nice long runs along the Seawall and through Stanley Park over the last week after long days at the FCM conference in Vancouver. Getting sweaty after being productive. That’s part of happiness for me!

Here is my current top 5 of activities which bring me happiness:

  1. Hanging out with family and friends: Is there a better way than spending time with loved ones? Laughing and relaxing while being able to be yourself is key. Also the laughter coming from one of my Godsons or their siblings brings a big smile to my face
  2. Being active: It’s all relative but I love being out there. It usually doesn’t even matter what I’m doing!
  3. Being productive: Like most driven people, I love to knock off assignments and I’ve gotten into some situations of being busy for busy;s sake but I’m working on it
  4. Learning: I’m all about constant improvement. I’m always working on something (or 9 things), whether it’s reading, watching instructional videos or listening to audiobooks
  5. Giving back: I’ve really enjoyed the Gala & SchoolBOX experiences but I also like to give back in my day-to-day, whether it’s holding a door for a stranger or teaching someone a simple skill like posture

Everyone defines happiness slightly differently but I think we’re all trying to maximize it as much as we can. Some folks are a bit more focused and conscious about it I would think.

Now do me a favour and get out there and do something that makes you do a happy dance. It will inspire me to do mine more often!

What about that post-workout snack? Are you over-doing it? It seems most of us are. In a recent study, people overestimated their caloric expenditure after a hard workout. Check out the latest Runner’s World article on the subject. 


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