Going back to basics, aka the veggie stand…

Going back to basics, aka the veggie stand…

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I was fortunate enough to visit my best friend and his family this weekend while they were in the Kingston area. As I played Uncle Eric for the weekend, it really brought me back to the basics. It’s quite enjoyable to simply sit around a table and share food and laughs with people you like. It might be one of my favourite activities!

Since my adoptive family has a big garden in the back, I got to go pick some veggies to take home. I took home some organic/fair trade kale, cucumbers and tomatoes. So good when it hits your lips! One of the things I like about this is you can taste the freshness. It’s probably in my head!

The trend, whether you call it organic, 100 mile diet or primal, is great if you ask me. People are asking questions about what they are eating and where it comes from. It’s always good to ask questions in my book as it leads to more informed decisions and higher awareness. By the way, if you like chicken breasts, don’t watch Food Inc. You won’t look at chicken the same way…

Following up on my contradiction post from last week, here’s another one. I like technology and one of the many reasons why is  it helps me be more efficient and spend more time with my loved ones or doing something I love. It helps me connect, even if it’s in a roundabout way. Take the TweetUp I host for example. Yes some of those folks met online but they also go old school and meet in person for a change.

I liken technology to a veggie stand. Back in the day we use to go our neighbour the farmer for food then we migrated to the grocery store. Now with the resurgence of the farmer’s market, it seems we’re going back to basics. It might not be such a bad thing…

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