Going against the grain
Posted In: ChiRunning | Goals | Me June 28th, 2011 divider No Comments »American poet Robert Frost quotes “I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”, I remember hearing something like that when I was young. I just didn’t understand what he was talking about. Now that I’ve lived a bit more, it makes total sense!
Taking risks, leading the way or taking a different path can be quite scary but you can get to unheard of places rather quickly from time to time.
Almost every time I think of going against the grain, I think of Warren Buffett, one of the most (if not the most) successful investor of all time. He’s made a career of investing in businesses people thought were doomed. It seems he tries to stay away from fads, remove the emotional quotient and simply look at every transaction for what it is: a business transaction, look at every transaction for what it is: a business transaction.
People that are ahead of their time are often ridiculed and embarrassed. But they usually get the last laugh.
I think there’s a difference between going against the flow for the argument’s sake and really going for something you believe in, regardless of where the public opinion rests. I’m not a pioneer in any major way like the Warren Buffett’s and Marie Curie’s of the world but I sometimes get a snicker when I mention ChiRunning or the BodyByVi challenge. It’s okay!
At first I used to take it to heart but now I know that not everyone will agree with what I present but at least I can sleep at night knowing that I have conviction in what I do.
Sorry about the disruption in posts in the last two weeks. Traveling coast to coast and working on a bunch of things will do that for you! I promise to get back to my usual schedule (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) as soon as I can. But this being a short week with Canada Day and all, it probably won’t be this week!
A bientot les amis!