Exercise better than drugs?

Posted In: Fitness | Triathlon divider 1 Comment »

Kinda like that but probably not as goofy...

I think so!

I’m hooked. I must admit. I saw it again on the weekend when I was out for a short ride. I was just pedalling myself to some new places when I realized I had one of those goofy grins on my face.

It was actually a cold and windy day but I got to see new places, get some fresh air and look at some ducks and geese on a pond. This was before I flatted and it started to rain but that a story’s for another day…

More and more studies (here’s one on cholesterol and one on neck pain) show that exercise is more powerful than drugs when it comes to cure certain ailments and diseases. When I get home from a long day I’m often tempted to grab a drink and sit on the couch (and it happens, trust me!) but I’ve come to the conclusion that physical activity is my drug of choice. And I’m an addict!

One of the reasons I started this blog was to hopefully inspire some folks to be a bit more active. It’s not always easy but I’m hoping to help break down a lot of the barriers for people to get out there and enjoy themselves while doing something physical (and mental too). Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help!

By the feedback I’m getting, that is slowly becoming a reality. And I couldn’t be happier. That in itself is giving me a high!

I’ll be heading to North Carolina shortly to do some triathlon training with some of the TriRudy folks. I will keep you posted on my progress and some of the fun stuff we get up to.

It’s weird that I’m training for a training camp. It’s almost like cleaning my condo for the arrival of my cleaning lady!

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