Coming back to Halifax for more fun. It’s gonna be Epic!
Posted In: Me | Triathlon May 21st, 2013 divider No Comments »A few items for today’s blog entry. No rest for the wicked, especially with the extra short week. I’m heading to Windsor on Friday to spread the Chi and catch up with some old and new friends.
I received another wonderful email last week about the impact of ChiRunning on another disciple. It never ceases to amaze me the workshop has on a few folks. It truly touches me every time I get one of these emails. It makes all the early/late flights and packing/unpacking worth it!
Here it is in his words:
Hello Eric,
I started running with your clinic in Bridgewater’s Miller Park in June almost two years ago. It was the injury free running that caught my eye. It was the best $100 I’ve ever spent. I did a second clinic with you at the YMCA in Bridgewater a year later. You tuned up my posture and sent me out to continue my journey. My goal was to one day run a Marathon, Another goal was to run that marathon injury free. A reach for the sky goal, as every one who runs a marathon dreams about, is to Qualify for the Boston Marathon.Last week I ran the Toronto Marathon and ran the entire race. I was injury free. Two goals in my first marathon in 35 years. My “sky Goal” to do a BQ in that marathon was also accomplished. I qualified with 3 minutes to spare and will train for the 2014 Boston Marathon in the months to come. All these goals started with you. It really does prove “You can teach an old dog new tricks”.
Isn’t that awesome?
And as you might know, I’m heading back to Halifax to compete in the Epic Canadian and Epic Dartmouth races. Stay tuned for a great contest I will be running for my Maritime friends!
I’m also doing a workshop that weekend in Halifax. Check out my site for all the details.
Anyone want to get together for a run or a pint when I’m down there?