5 somewhat unorthodox but easy ways to get a bit healthier…

5 somewhat unorthodox but easy ways to get a bit healthier…

Posted In: Me divider 3 Comments »

I’m all about getting healthier on a day-to-day basis. A lot of folks ask me for tips. The biggest problem is that we don’t have much time or appetite for change these days. The suggestions below are easy, subtle and don’t take much time at all. Unless you go crazy with it!

  1. Cold showers: It’s a bit of a shock to the body but that’s kind of the point. They are a great way to wake up in the morning and a great way to get a good night’s sleep. It’s been shown to improve blood circulation and increase metabolism and libido. And it makes you feel hardcore!
  2. Plant something edible: It’s a win-win situation. Gardening is fun and has been shown to reduce stress. And you get cheap produce or herbs. It doesn’t have to be a full-fledged garden (maybe a planter by the window?) but I live in a terrace home and I found a spot to have a small garden in the back. You know exactly what goes into them and it provides a cheap way to grow fair-trade, organic stuff. And you might find out you have a green thumb. Or not.
  3. Feel awkward: Get out of your comfort zone and try something new, especially something you’re not really good at. It doesn’t really matter what it is as long as you embrace new ways. Hire a coach if it’s too much at first. It will provide a challenge and for some fun (and not so fun) feelings along the way. This is called growing. It will also keep you humble along the way!
  4. Brush your teeth naked: You have to brush your teeth anyway, and this provides some instant feedback. Not on the teeth, mind you. It will provide motivation either because you like what you see or because you don’t like what you see. You just might not want to do this at work, depending on your co-workers and the their HR policies…
  5. Do something that makes you smile: We all know smiling is good for you but to me it should come organically. It could be something simple like eating some dark chocolate, playing video games or dancing in your kitchen when your favourite song comes on. Just set a small chunk of time on a daily or at least weekly basis to do something just for yourself you truly enjoy. That fact along might just make you smile! :)

I really hope you try at least one of  these methods this week. I’ve done all 5 this month already and I can tell you they are well worth the time.

Keep me posted on how these work you!

3 Responses to 5 somewhat unorthodox but easy ways to get a bit healthier…

  1. Pingback: 10 Amazing Benefits of Taking Regular Morning Showers

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