5 Somewhat Gross Benefits of Exercise…

5 Somewhat Gross Benefits of Exercise…

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So you’re starting to exercise regularly and you notice a few things changing with your body. Most things are good but some things are kinda weird to some folks. Those are the things I will be talking about today…

  • Snot rockets: If you get your heart rate up, especially in the winter, your body will try to get more efficient and try to get rid of any excess stuff, including mucus. Snot rockets are a convenient way to get rid of it, especially when you’re running or in between shifts on the bench in a hockey game. Just be careful when you’re cycling if there’s someone behind you (true story)!
  • Skin toughens up: The body’s a wonderful thing and it tries to protect you from yourself so it steps up. I look at calluses as a bit of a medal for working hard. Some others might not look at it that way though…
  • Bye bye to constipation: I find exercise is better than Metamucil to get keep you regular. This is especially true with running since it’s a weight bearing exercise. You’ve been warned!
  • Getting rid of toxins: This is why a lot of people in Scandinavian countries use saunas and hot tubs on a regular basis. I’d rather do it the old fashion way but it’s still not always pleasant, especially if you’ve abused your body in the near past with alcohol or bad food. What goes in must come out somehow I guess…
  • Getting sweaty: Some folks get uncomfortable around sweaty people. For most athletes, it’s just a fact of life. The smell can be somewhat intoxicating but that’s what Axe is for, right?
Hopefully these somewhat weird side effects will not deter you from getting out there and exercising. To me, it makes me want to get out there a bit more so I can feel a bit like a weirdo. But I am weird!

Also, don’t forget about tomorrow’s Health & Fitness TweetUp at the Ottawa Public Library’s main branch. Come and hear about 5 books to help you make 2014 the best year yet!

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