Running isn’t just for skinny people anymore…

Running isn’t just for skinny people anymore…

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I love the diversity  that running races brings out these days. Just check out our poster boy today.

I heard (I wasn’t there) that the running boom of the 70’s was mostly about fit people proving their fitness but now you see all ages and body types out there. And it’s booming!

Even though some folks get into running for weight loss, they usually stick around to complete some more challenges but also to catch up with people who have now become friends, even after they’ve lost that extra weight.

The great thing a I’m living proof! I started running to get back in shape and I did shed some weight and build some confidence after my football injury threw me a curve in 2001. And with the wonders of ChiRunning, even at my heaviest last summer (close to 260lbs), I could finish a Half Ironman with minimal training and almost no soreness.

The more research I read, the more I realize doing exercise simply for weight loss is close to fighting a losing battle. Like I’ve mentioned before, I believe it’s 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.

Weight affects results though and there’s not much you can do to cheat that. There are a bunch of theories and formulas but estimates I saw say losing ten pounds can result in a savings of close to one minute for a 5k. Applied to the marathon distance, this is almost nine minutes off, and this is without any training.

But you can get out there and be safe and gentle to your body. Compared to your neighbour who’s half your size, you will have to pay more attention to your form and biomechanics. But I love looking around at races and I get a special joy passing people who are smaller in stature than me. Don’t really know why really…

I remember doing a workshop with a local obesity clinic. A lot of these folks hadn’t run in years and were somewhat scared to try. With a few progression drills and a focus on being efficient, I got them running by the end of the afternoon. Some were shocked and overjoyed. Sometimes just going for it, even when you don’t think you can, you can surprise yourself…

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