How a few breaths can change your perspective…

How a few breaths can change your perspective…

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So one of the things that doesn’t change in life is change itself. It’s everywhere and come at us in an ever-increasing pace. How we react to it is what makes us a success or not if you ask me.

We also live in a world of over-reactors. That is why a few deep breadths can really help you in many situations. Deep breathing has really helped me in big meetings, at airports or even during or before races. A lot of the times, it makes you question what the big deal was before anyway.

I remember reading a few books that really changed my outlook on life, most notably ones from Eckhart Tolle. It’s nothing personal what’s happening to you and most people are so caught up on their own stuff they don’t really think about you, good or bad. That was some liberating stuff.

Now whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed I take a step back and take numerous deep breaths and finish with a smile. I also use this method to put me to sleep most nights. I’ve been finding quite effective.

Again, now we’re seeing the results of scientific studies that show why deep breaths are so good for us. It fills us with clean oxygen, it gets our nervous system to relax and break the fight or flight responses we usually answer with that we have no idea about.

I find it gets us to slow down time and gets us to concentrate on what is really important to us (our breathing). What a thought!

Most of the situations that turn out badly is all about escalation in my experience, not from one particular issue or problem. If you take a step back and just breathe, you’ll see the forest for the trees and usually come to your senses.

So now go try it next time you feel some changes or adversity coming your way!

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