Guest blog: Running for Improved Self by @MicahKelpin

Guest blog: Running for Improved Self by @MicahKelpin

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I’ve been practicing self-improvement for as long as I can remember. I attended my first Anthony Robbins seminar when I was fifteen years old and was completely sold on the concept that we each posses the power we require to create the lives we want.

I met Eric at Lululemon in 2010 where the culture of goal setting in yoga pants was overflowing with inspirational quotes and where motivated fit people flourished. Looking back it is no surprise that we each were drawn into that community.  At the time I had no idea that I was running, (quite literally running) toward one of the most critical intersections I would face in my young adult life. I had moved to Ottawa from Vancouver for love and in a matter of a few short months, I had called my engagement off and my dreams were dashed.

The irony in having been handed a few lemons whilst being immersed in a corporate culture where people actually referred to themselves as ‘lemons’ provided a little levity. I still find humor in it to be honest.  Being the trooper I was, I decided the best thing to do in my situation was to make lemonade. Without knowledge that a serendipitous relationship with Eric would materialize, I went running with him and some other nice folks from Lululemon. Running soon became my way of regrouping. I ran a lot. I ran often. I ran all over Ottawa! After clearing my head, finding some camaraderie and running my buns off, I forged ahead. In time, things began to improve.

Four years later I am benefiting from life’s lessons and accepting an opportunity to guest blog for Eric has been a no-brainer.  So, now that you know a little more about me, let’s get to the good stuff…

 3 Reasons to Run for Self-Improvement

  • Action – You can have as many running buddies as you like but ultimately you are the one who must decide to lace up and get out there.  If having a coach helps you get motivated, great! Just don’t forget that it is you who is making this happen.

Acknowledging that you are in control and that you are telling your body to physically take the next step is the same as being in control of your decisions in life and applying action to them. You may find a metaphor in this but I like to think of it as practice.  Running can provide you with valuable practice in putting action behind your decisions, plans, goals etc.

  • Accountability – No matter what your running goal is, you are accountable to yourself with each and every stride. If you cut corners during your run, taking the short route because you’re feeling lazy, no one else will ever know. You will know.

If you cut corners in life, you are typically the only one to shoulder the results. In extreme cases yes, your job or relationships may be negatively impacted but most often you’re the one who’ll have to live with whatever you’ve done or, failed to do. Running is an excellent gauge for accountability to our selves and that same sense of accountability is necessary for self-improvement.

  • Success – In my view, personal success is something you experience internally. Personal successes can come to you in many different forms and can fulfill you in ways that may surprise you because, it usually doesn’t come in the form of a yacht or whatever typical thing society has taught us to associate with success.

When you reach a benchmark in self-improvement, there is an element of personal accomplishment that comes with it. The same goes with running. There are endless opportunities in running for reaching and surpassing benchmarks. These small personal successes build confidence and give you bursts of fulfillment. By giving yourself a series of personal successes, you are setting in motion a positive momentum that is vital for self-improvement.

-Micah lives on the west coast of Canada where she enjoys endless mountain trails and close proximity to the ocean. Micah is a Police Officer by profession and is currently continuing studies within her field at Simon Fraser University.  You can follow Micah on Twitter at @MicahKelpin.

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